MAIJ blog
MAIJ blog

Name: Portia
Location: Cardiff, United Kingdom
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    PR in an online world

    I felt like I was thrown back to my old life and was not in Cardiff studying journalism as I listened to Quentin Langley's lecture on Public Relations. Having some PR/advertising background, I couldn't help but empathize with what he was saying.

    I am thinking how much Gary hates PR, and how much Matt agrees with me that PR is not the enemy of journalism. And I am stuck in the middle trying to make sense of it all.

    It could be said that PR is all about presentation. But isn't journalism? Every story has to be presented well. And it's always about writing a good story. About using the right words, painting the right picture. It's also about the look and feel, and how to find that connection with your readers. Sounds like a lot of advertising and PR to me. And mind you, I think PR uses a lot of critical thinking too.

    But don't get me wrong, I'm not defending the PR industry and the like. It's a lot of talk, a lot of superficial socializing, and a lot of bull sometimes. And I do understand why Gary denounces PR. But really, is it at all that bad? Why can't we all just get along?

    Part of me is studying journalism just like everyone else, to get more serious perhaps, to try to 'educate the world' in a way that we can. But also, I thought that it would be fun to combine the PR part of my background with journalism.

    Possible? Yes, maybe.

    So perhaps even if Quentin Langley didn't do much PR talk on his lecture, I owe this realization to him. I am quite determined to find this uber connection between journalism and PR. Well maybe I could never find it and could die trying. But then if I did, then maybe I could pitch in a new dissertation topic to Gary.


    Magazine and Website: Friend or Foe?

    I'm sitting in the lecture hall of Kim Hollamby, head of IPC Media, a few thoughts running across my head:

    a, some interesting points he's making, but could have been more exciting.

    b, websites are good, magazines are great, but how come I don't find online magazines that exceptional?

    c, or don't seem as useful or important (to me anyway) as news websites?

    d, the way online is revolutionizing the print industry, how much longer will print survive?

    portia [ 10:10 AM ]